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On November 7, 2016, I added stroke to my long and growing list of medical issues. It began with a racing heart and halting speech. I had been having issues with keeping myself hydrated, so I assumed that's what was wrong. I take electrolyte supplements and drink sea salt water constantly, but it hasn't been keeping up with my body shedding what it needs. So, after a nurse friend of mine strongly suggested that my husband take me to the hospital, off we went.

They treated me very quickly with a CT scan and brought out the stroke cards to test me with. At this point, I still had no idea what was truly transpiring in me. My speech was becoming more broken, but I could (with single words) describe an illustrated picture. The next card was simply a list of words, and I could think what they stated in my head perfectly, but they would not come out of my mouth. It was then that I started to cry. I've lost so very much in the last ten years of my relatively short life, how much more was I about to lose?

They administered the stroke drug, TPA, which zaps platelets so the blood flows through your body unencumbered and reaches the part of the brain in need as quickly as possible, and cuts through clots, if needed. They were racing against the clock, hoping to have caught it within the four hour window for minimal damage done. Eventually, words were not coming out as the words I intended to say. Then, there were no words at all, only strange noises as my mouth stubbornly refused to translate my thoughts into anything intelligible. It was then, in the midst of a scary storm, that I fervently prayed, and a peace came over me. Whatever happened, I was not alone, and I had confidence that my story was not complete.

I was required to stay in the hospital, bedridden, until the TPA was out of my system, and I had completed enough tests to ensure everything was working properly. I passed the swallow test, brain MRI, walking test (as well as I can with my walker), and dressed myself with flying colors. The entire body muscle weakness had improved greatly. My speech was still not up to par, but it had also improved- the rest was up to me to heal at home.

Two weeks later, my speech is still pausing more than usual waiting for my brain to catch up, but it gets clearer each day. I also wear out much more quickly than before, but I'm hopeful that my stamina will continue to improve. I feel blessed that things are not any worse than they are, or could have been.

I'll see the neurologist in January for a follow up. He thinks the stroke was caused by my EDS, lack of collagen, in the vessels- one of them must have shut itself in my brain. If I continue to have issues, they'll do some imaging to find the culprits, and possibly add stents to keep them open, as needed.

I'll be getting a port December 7th, and I'm hoping that IV hydration will keep things running much more smoothly.

This thanksgiving, I'm thankful to be at home with my pups. I'll surround myself with loving and caring family- a constant reminder that there is so much here to live and be thankful for. God bless and keep you all!

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