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Chasing      Zebras

Rare Disease Awareness:
Sharing the experience of finding answers to complex medical questions. 

A guide to resources and insights for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and rare disease.

rare101 : chasingzebras 

Chase a Zebra, 
Erase the Myth:

"When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras." 

Dr. Theodore Woodward


A zebra with a few horses
Spoon inscribed with From Great Struggle Comes Great Strength

By Christine Miserandino

In summary, the spoon theory is a model used to describe everyday living experiences when disability or illness result in a reduced amount of energy or ability available for productive tasks. Spoons are an intangible unit of measurement used to track how much energy a person has throughout a given day. Each activity "costs" a certain number of spoons, which might not be recharged until the next day. A person who runs out of spoons loses the ability to do anything other than rest. Because heathy people do not feel the impact of spending spoons, they may not realize that chronically ill or disabled people's considerations include mundane tasks such as bathing and getting dressed. Click on 'Spoon Theory' to read the full story by Christine.

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