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Do you have EDS, and which type?

Are you wondering if you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? Have you been diagnosed with something else only to have treatments for that condition not help you? (Such as Fibromyalgia) It is more prominent than we realize, and there are doctors who are trying to raise awareness to have more treatment options and research. If you are wondering if you have some form of EDS, this is a great starting place for you. There are also Comorbid Conditions that can coincide with having a type of EDS. Comorbidities are common, and here are a few links to help determine if you may have some of the more common ones. Please keep in mind, when researching any rare disease or medical condition, every body is different. Some tests are more accurate for some than others. Don't let this discourage you. There are several tests that I have undergone that did not reveal anything abnormal, but symptomology and determination played a key role in getting to the bottom of things. Good luck on your journey, you are not alone!

In the last decade, growing attention has been placed on joint hypermobility and related disorders. The new nosology for the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS), identifies 13 different types of EDS, and highlights the need for an updated and more reliable criteria. For the first time management and care guidelines have also been produced for the co-morbidities that can occur within EDS and HSDs.

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