If you've suffered with physical issues and are still searching for help and answers or you've tried every option to fix them but it hasn't brought you back to full capacity, then this is a space for you to relate and clear your head. You might even find the resources you've been searching for to access better medical care. Here you won't feel alone since rare disease is often misunderstood in the doctors' office. There are 6,800+ rare diseases and not nearly enough medical knowledge and awareness to find the necessary answers and treatments for many of them.
My adventure lead me to Hypermobile EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). It took a lifetime of ignored or misdiagnosed medical questions and at least seven years of determined searching due to aggravated and worsening symptoms to find the necessary clues needed to solve this part of the mystery. Even after receiving an accurate diagnosis I've found it difficult to access the proper care and treatment this body needs to live its best life. The tools I've picked up along the way keep me moving forward and I've learned valuable lessons in adapting and reorganizing priorities to continue on a path well-lived. If my experiences can help someone else, I feel it's all been worth the effort.
I'm Amanda Henderson and this is an adventure in medicine!
Let's Journey Together!
Though reluctant to put myself 'out there', I feel passionate about sharing the help and knowledge that I've struggled to find. A major part of my journey has been learning to accept certain physical limitations. Another part has been finding the strength within to just keep looking for those ever elusive answers.
If you're struggling and feel alone on your journey, be sure to bookmark these pages as a reminder, you are not alone. There is a vibrant dazzle of zebras along the same path and we'll gladly share information and resources.